Welcome Toby. Glad to hear your wife joined you.
Don't dignify this evil cult by playing by their rules; write nothing & say nothing. Faders are 'loose ends', and the org hates loose ends.
new to this forum.
i ran across it when watching lloyd evans videos and searching out jw links.
i left the cult many years ago after a long stint in it.the cult caused me much pain and problems even though i left.
Welcome Toby. Glad to hear your wife joined you.
Don't dignify this evil cult by playing by their rules; write nothing & say nothing. Faders are 'loose ends', and the org hates loose ends.
the undeniable truth is that there in no consensus amongst the uk's politicians for any single outcome.. labour mp hilary benn has today joined the ranks of countless others who apparently have very severe hearing & sight problems - by submitting an amendment which suggests the following:.
1) reconsider mrs. may's deal .
2) leave the eu with no deal, .
An expert on BBC's Question Time last Thursday evening reminded people of the fact that they weren't given the option of leaving the EU with any kind of deal - leaving the door wide open for all sorts of sell-outs (aka "compromises") by the government.
The questions were plain and simple; leave the EU or remain. 17m+ voted to leave, 14m+ voted to remain.
my wife and i just enjoyed a family reunion with both my sons ,one wife and one grandchild 10 years old ,where they stayed at our house for a week .. the best week we have had for many a year .
the couple live only 2 hours away by car and the other son and his child live 2 states away 2 hours by plane.. and thankfully they are no longer associated with the borg that i now regretfully brought them up in , so the borg will never get their children.. it was a happyfying time .
Smiddy - May your happy experience inspire and encourage others who are hoping that their blinded friends/families will see the org hiding behind the curtain.
You never know, perhaps even the person who "thumbed down" will learn something while they're here, start thinking for themselves, and wrest control of their life from the Warwick hierarchy.
the undeniable truth is that there in no consensus amongst the uk's politicians for any single outcome.. labour mp hilary benn has today joined the ranks of countless others who apparently have very severe hearing & sight problems - by submitting an amendment which suggests the following:.
1) reconsider mrs. may's deal .
2) leave the eu with no deal, .
The undeniable truth is that there in no consensus amongst the UK's politicians for any single outcome.
Labour MP Hilary Benn has today joined the ranks of countless others who apparently have very severe hearing & sight problems - by submitting an amendment which suggests the following:
1) reconsider Mrs. May's deal
2) leave the EU with no deal,
3) seeking to renegotiate the deal or
4) holding another referendum.
The 1st and 3rd suggestions have already been certified as dead & buried - thanks to a massive rejection by the UK Parliament and an even bigger rejection by the EU government, which reduces the options to a choice between 2 or 4.
Since the vast majority of MP's are united against the no-deal scenario, an extension of 6 months of Article 50 to allow for another referendum would be my bet.
charles t. russell, age of 13, joined the congregational church (dumped presbyterian).. he went (like girl scouts are sent out with cookies to sell) door to door to raise money for the congregational church.. attitude as a youthrussell hated fundraising.
he had to ask poor people to part with their money.
he said he felt he was "fleecing the flock.".
It looks like the following info from the link has been incorrectly detailed:
I have made a chart with each individual value but for the sake of space I'm giving , here below, the total value of LAND and BUILDINGS for all the above addresses:
202,782,892,000.00 U.S.A. $
or 273,898,990,000.00 CAN. $
or 172,608,880,000.00 EURO
or 121,588,680,000.00 B.POUND
$202 billion????
charles t. russell, age of 13, joined the congregational church (dumped presbyterian).. he went (like girl scouts are sent out with cookies to sell) door to door to raise money for the congregational church.. attitude as a youthrussell hated fundraising.
he had to ask poor people to part with their money.
he said he felt he was "fleecing the flock.".
Thanks Blondie & Terry.
Charlatan Taze Russell knew a good business opportunity when he saw one!
I'll be applying for a Green Card - and if successful, emigrate to Florida and start my own tax-free snare & racket religion. Live the real American dream!
charles t. russell, age of 13, joined the congregational church (dumped presbyterian).. he went (like girl scouts are sent out with cookies to sell) door to door to raise money for the congregational church.. attitude as a youthrussell hated fundraising.
he had to ask poor people to part with their money.
he said he felt he was "fleecing the flock.".
Good summary of the financial origins of the cult.
Just one question: Why doesn't the WTBTS (in the U.S.) have to publicly show its balance sheets nowadays?
...in 1951, but unfit for consumption for those jw's children & grandchildren.. w51 12/15 pp.
763-764 - paul was known as the “apostle to the nations.” he produced “the signs of an apostle”.
(2 cor.
...in 1951, but unfit for consumption for those JW's children & grandchildren.
w51 12/15 pp. 763-764 - Paul was known as the “apostle to the nations.” He produced “the signs of an apostle”. (2 Cor. 12:12) He unquestionably became the twelfth apostle of the Lamb.
Thankfully, (for JW's) the present spirit-inspired "faithful slave" discovered that the previous Guardians Of Doctrines (G.O.D.'s) weren't very good at guarding doctrines:
bt chap. 2 p. 19 par. 21 - Thus, Matthias became one of “the twelve.” Paul was later appointed to be “an apostle to the nations,” but he was never reckoned among the 12. He had not followed Jesus during His earthly ministry, so he did not qualify for that special privilege.
........back in 1949!.
w50 3/15 p. 96 letters - "jesus held many public lectures, but there is no record that he opened or closed any of them with prayer....surely those of the public who are not of the christian faith do not turn out to our meetings in order to join with us in prayer to our god, but solely to hear the speech which is the drawing feature.
so we give them that and do not think to impose upon them by attaching something else to the lecture which might offend or stumble them before they hear the speech they came for.
........back in 1949!
w50 3/15 p. 96 Letters - "Jesus held many public lectures, but there is no record that he opened or closed any of them with prayer....Surely those of the public who are not of the Christian faith do not turn out to our meetings in order to join with us in prayer to our God, but solely to hear the speech which is the drawing feature. So we give them that and do not think to impose upon them by attaching something else to the lecture which might offend or stumble them before they hear the speech they came for."
every witness says they are “ in the truth”.
that expression implies that what they say is the “truth “.
how could you help a witness understand that they clearly do not have “the truth “?.
Pose questions to try and get them to think - don't bludgeon them with evidential statements.
e.g. "Someone asked me why we say the Catholic confessional is wrong, and yet JW's are compelled to confess to three elders. I didn't know what to say. How would you have responded?"